Johnny Rockstar - Hey Chi Chi! You ROCK!! From : MN., WASH,D.C. P.S. I'm WRAPPING IT UP!!
Michael Zaragoza - I like the campaign I think it is a great message that needs to be heard by all men
Ben Barratt-Boyes - Chi Chi, Great video and FANTASTIC message. We're working hard down this part of the world @ the New Zealand Aids Foundation sharing the same message. Wrap it up Guys!
Joshua Miller - I just want to thank you for opening up EVERYONES EYE's publicly and using your celebrity for a great cause... I have slipped here and there thinking it was "hot" at the moment. In reality all it did was make me worry for the next 6 months... I have now posted your banner on my myspace page in hopes that people will be as inspired as i was after watching your video.
massimo - As a 41 year old Canadian gay man, I have been concerned about barebacking porn flicks. I understand the impulse to want to view such material - the novelty of it, I guess. I'm not quite old enough to have experienced the pre-AIDS days, so the sight of guys fucking without a condom is something I have never really seen except in old porn movies. However, as you said, your employees are real people, not just some abstract fantasy, and unfortunately, some undiscerning people's sex education is limited to the porn they watch. I'm so pleased that someone as influential as you are in this industry would take such a firm stand. I wish the straight porn industry would wake up too. Good for you. Bravo. Massimo
Aaron Tyler - Thank you for all you do for us, the models in the industry. It is because of people like you that we are able to have standards in the industry and it is people like you that make it safer to work in this industry. Bravo for standing up for your beliefs and not backing down. A true role model momma...thanks AT
Raven - Got the message a little late and life and I am dealing with the consequences. I will not put my BF through the same issues. SAFE SEX IS HOT SEX
BigDaddyntx - RIght on I love the sketch. I volunteer for a gay community center promoting safe sex. This file is awesome.SAFE SEX IS HOT SEX!!!!
James Estis - I am a virgin gay man... I watch porn all the time, and I have seen some movies where guys haven't had a condom with them. It didn't get me off.... at all. It scares me. I mean anal sex without a condom and lots odf lube, it is not safe. And I agree with you on that. It can have dire consequences. And the day I do engage in theat sort of thing... whether I am the giver, or reciever... I will make sure Me, or my partner wraps it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chris - Chi Chi, again, love you. I first got confused when I saw the web ad because the ʻhʻ in hotsex looks to close to ʻn.ʻ Maybe you could capitalize theʻHʻ because in the sideways web ad it looks a bit too similar. Thanks, and no need to post this comment.
Chris - I love you Chi Chi. I totally support you. Hot sex is sex you donʻt feel dirty about. Hot sex is sex that doesnʻt hurt your body. Hot sex is a 2 guys or more ;) using condoms so they can be healthy and happy to have hot sex again and again.
- I applaud your commenst and your stand. it is a shame you have come under attack from people who are more concerned with making money and exploitation than with the safey of their performers and partners. Kudos to you and keep up the great work.
Jon - Keep up the good fight
dot - Hey sweetie this is Dot (Mona's mom), I can't tell you how proud I am of you for making this PSA. As Mona 's mom I've known many of his friends die in the 80's because on not having safe sex. One of his best friends was like a son to me
Joshua - I volunteer with a gay 20 Somethings Group, and we did a special session about the Adult Entertainment Industry, and we showed this video at the beginning.I just want to thank you so much for this PSA. If I could, I would make EVERY SINGLE gay man in the SF Bay Area (where I live) watch it.Thank you again.
Gregory - Porn viewers do not put models at risk; the models themselves do, in the choices they make. I believe in this message, and I adore it's delivery almost as much as the person delivering it. However, it makes false assumptions and avoids details that many studios, to prevent themselves from the legal ramifications of being infected 'on the job' are requiring tests before letting the models perform. In some cases, the models themselves are requiring this -and if they aren't, it's their own stupid fault. This obviously isn't 100% foolproof, but neither is a condom. The safest sex, is not to have sex at all. So there is risk involved, regardless; you take just as much risk getting into an accident driving down the street to buy the condoms. I would like to see you alter the message more toward "dont stop caring about the importance of having hot safe sex" and less toward "stop buying bb porn because I can't afford to pay my models MORE than the bb porn producers are paying."
Robert Gregg Price - Your open stand on HIV protection is great! God put you on the face of this earth to show us that males and females are EQUAL and sex is FUN. What better way in the USA than business.
Rd - i love u so much i agree with you safe sex is hot sex not just for us gay men but for every one stds are becoming very common Fifty Percent of teens have an std i posted your ad on my dlist to help out support but i think you should promote this to the straight community to i think you will grab alot of support i know that i back you up maybe that is all u need. thanks your biggest fan rd
Tor - Righteous. Absof*ckinglutely righteous. Never stop spreading this word, ChiChi. MWAH!
Parker - Bravo !! my dear friend Chi Chi, I love you dearly for your honesty, tend setting, leadership and bravery for all of us in the porn industry and for those who choose to watch us.I find it hard to believe the growing interest in bare backing, I ve been approached more times then I choose to remember to have sex with no protection and I have to admit that sex is not worth dying for. even though I havent loss anyone to AIDS< I have had friends who have and I know that its a horrible experience of long crushing pain and I cant believe people are choosing death over life. I have to agree that the drugs may be better but then in comparison most strains HIV strands or more complex.Come on fags do we really want to be part of a back lash and spread of this horrible thing? do we want to see our friends die? the answer is obvious and its " No "get tested and cover the fucker up !!
Luis - im really sure that this video is awesome!! iGood for you Chi chi you are really amazing person ^^
fhando1914 - Mabuhay!!!...First and foremost i wanna say "YOURE A GENIUS",, i love everything did in your videos....thank you thank you...i was really shocked because of the scene in Boot Boy (the armpit licking) Benjamine Bradley and Matt Cole......My God that is so Hot and THE BEST SCENE IVE EVER WATCHED IN MY WHOLE LIFEEEE........I love you chi filipino and im hoping that i could see you in face to face.......i love you....YOU ARE A DIVA.....
NJ Maher Jr-Janorm - I love you! You are truely awesome! Please, keep up that fight! I have lost seven personal friends to AIDS Complex. I am 62 and have been gay for 48 yrs. With the exception of once at 14 with a neighbor boy of the same age, I always parcticed safe sex. It paid off! Just a story for your file Chi Chi! Thank you from the bottom of my heart again!!!
DanielCox - ChiChi I just have to say that, that was one of the most amazing videos i have ever seen.. I am 20 yrs old and an escort.. im trying to save money for college and also to live an easier financially free life.. sometimes i get emails from guys who tell me only bb.. i have not once accepted a client who wants only bb. on top of that i have also received numerous emails from porn sites wanting me to do bb porn.. i totally agree with you SAFE SEX IS HOT SEX!!!! Please please ket me know anything and everything i can do to help in this cause.. your an amazing person with a VERY strong influence on the gay and straight community and i don't think i need to tell you that cause you know it.. anyways please chi chi let me know. i have a strong influence on my community here in Atlanta and i want to do anything and everything i can to help.. thank you so much for your care knowledge and wisdom.. xoxo- Daniel Cox
JamesG - God, I'm glad somebody is making this known! hun, you are amazing! This country needs to know the facts and not live in a fantasy world!
Mike - I have to admit there have been times I've lapsed and not wrapped it up. I'm going to watch this PSA every week from now on, until barebacking utterly repels me. And the bareback porn DVD I bought last summer? It's going in the trash tonight. Where it belongs!
MatthewJAMES - Chi Chi- you are awesome and a true pioneer.....I am 38 and while I don't know those who have died as a result of HIV,,,my coming out was definitely informed by HIV. I hope you continue to speak out and let's all hope the apathy of the youth ends soon.
Lukas Anderson - I love you, Chi chi. Your are fabulous and i love the message!1 xx
hamis mdesa - i like sex very much
ASG Jasin - Chi Chi, i work in the adult film industry and i support you and this idea 110 percent. The company i work with (amateur straight guys) never do a scene with out a condom and thats why i made the choice to work with them. THERE IS NO AMOUNT OF MONEY IN THE WORLD WORTH THIS RISK PEOPLE. So support this cause, don't just agree with it ... support it.
Cesar - i found this informative and entertaining
Chris - I love the video. And it's great to see it breaking into the mainstream - clips of it were on tonight's 'Newsnight' on the BBC, which ran a story on gay bareback porn.
Bill Browne - Thank you for this important message. There are still people out there that are risking their lives and the lives of the people they are sleeping with. both gay and straight. I watch shows like Maury and these little girls who bring 12 men on that they think may be their babies daddy. No body addresses the fact that these girls have had unprotected sex with 12 men during the time she could have gotten pregnant.
Franco - Chi Chi the best message for the porn industry are this!!! SAFE SEX IS SUPER HYPER HOT SEX!!! Luv you and thank you =)
Paul - From Paul in Columbus OH. Thanks so much. I needed to hear that. I will from now on only choose porn in which the models use condoms rather than support unsafe sex by renting bare back movies. Thanks again.
Matthieu Paris - You are FFabulous and FFantastic, Thank you
Terry Christian - From the president of a leather club, Chi Chi, I offer many kudos to you for having the cojones to speak out actively and frequently against this scourge that is literally infecting our gay population. I'm 36, and even in a tiny Southern town, in high school we were bombarded with information on how NOT to contract AIDS and other STDs. So if I was given that information, I KNOW that anyone my age and younger has NO FUCKING EXCUSE to contract HIV except their own stupidity. Barebacking movies back in the 80s and 90s would have been anathema, but now they're treated as a legitimate market. I for one will boycott barebacking studios and ONLY choose to support studios and gay bookstores that promote safer sex. Just as you say, we have to think about the models who act on film the fantasies that we enjoy. If we don't care about them, then we sure as hell don't care about ourselves, and we're sending the message that it's okay to not care about HIV status because the drugs will keep us all healthy anyway. NOT! HIV is still a terminal disease and probably will remain so thoroughout out lifetimes, so we need to take safer sex as a fact of life, and look for new, innovative, and HOT ways to show sex on film without compromising future years of seeing our favorite studs perform on camera.
Chad - Bravo ChiChi!! You are an icon in the gay community, and I am glad that you hold such beliefs! Thank you for doing your part to help make the gay community that much better.
WiL - I love message and I do think the rise in HIV/AIDS among young people is due the glamorization of barebacking in the media. I’m proud that you are taking a stance and taking it public.I'm a "soon 2b publicist" so my opinion is “soon 2b professional” so take it for what its wreath. This page is really text heavy and the message is lost. All of the text seems intimidating. Try breaking it up with more photos and videos in between the text boxes and smaller paragraphs.
John - Thank you for this video it has actually facilitate me to open my eyes and I'm very thankful for this video Chi Chi and Im hoping that people open there eyes and realize the risk they are in.
Brandon - I use to volunteer at YouthPride based in Atlanta,Ga. And within the year I was there guys from the age of as young as 13 to the age of 26 were testing positive left and right. And it's a saddening thing. I'm 20 and have barebacked before, and don't get me wrong I enjoyed it and it was with someone whom will always be in my heart. But It's still not safe for you may follow the right guidelines,.. but the person you are laying with may not. I'm glad to have seen this video and I hope there are more like it to help educated and smack people in the face so they wake up and smell the latex.
Xavier - 1ST thank to Mark's South Florida List for running your vidioChi Chi in either or love "U" ,U can say this is your theory ofrelativity .YOUR vidio is "ElDorado" because it is full of Gold.Yes,the new "GAYS"15/20 SHOULD be being they are the baby to be the one to care on . One place all forget is when at bars go out for a blow and come back like nothing justwiping their lips , like if as they went out for a smoke.THEYare to young to have some one dear to them die of hiv p.So let take is one step far to boycott any film that deals withbareback or companies .In fact a dircetor was just givenan award for said type movie.Chi Chi love you thanks manyare like it is said "U take an ass 2 water butt can't make drink which R/D human driftwood of life.CHI CHI AGAIN TOTALTY AWESOME U ROCK N IT A BITCHING VIDIO WOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
Damian Rios - Wow!! That was intense! I have chills going through my entire body and a flood of tears streaming down my face from your video. I am so glad that someone is standing up for not only the models but for the entire gay community. Chi Chi, I will have this embedded in my head for a very long time. My real job deals with medicine and I strongly believe in taking care of yourself. No one is worth the risk of your life for a few minutes of pleasure. Thank you for making a stand, I love you!!!
will mannes - thank you, if nothing else just thank you man that was so great and just wondered if you ever thought about running for office you have my vote 1
Ricky - OMJ!! like this video is fab and so true.. i believe in your cause 100% and love ya for are fab and its great.. cudos to you boo. :D
Orlando - Hats off to you Chi Chi and to all who care about us GAYS! I refuse to sponsor a website that condones barebacking, I refuse to buy a movie that does. We need to be smart and SAFE. I enjoy gay sex a lot! Be safe, please!!!Orlando from Puerto Rico
Tony Boswell - Thank you for this message and presenting it the way you did, simple and to the point. As a bar owner I would like to have a copy of this message interlooped with the safesexishotsex flashing banner to give to our vj's to play tthrought the evening...especially as we approach closing time! You have made the stand...and we will gladly get behind you!
Nektar - Well, that is a hell of a video! It's really the best Safe Sex promotion I've ever seen! YOU ROCK!
David - Thanks for 'bringing reality back.'......I've always told the 'hims' that my being negative has not been by accident, but more by design. Go you for keeping it real!
Dennis - Good for you ChiChi. I am a nurse and have seen many cases of HIV. It is not a pretty site to see someone suffer just for a few moments of "passion". The passion can be there with a condom as well as without one. So guys if your looking for an early and hard death keep on barebacking, but if you want to live a long, enjoyable life, PUT A RAINCOAT ON IT :)
Vincent Lambert - Amen, sister! I wish more people in the industry would speak out as you do so eloquently here. Thanks, gurl!
babul - thank you
Chris - A GREAT job by Chi Chi ... I've admired his professional work for some time ... now I admire him as a person. Plus isn't make-up amazing ... what a PSA!
Shane Hager - Good for you!!!!!!! It is AWESOME to see someone with your history and notoriety making such an important statement! My respect for you and your work has just grown exponentially. Kudos to you and your work!Best,Shane
David - Excellent Video Chi Chi! We need more people like you to make this statement. As a man who has LIVED with HIV for 20 years - HIV/AIDS is REAL! Even with the drugs, I will DIE from it and that too is REAL! So Wrap It Up Guys and stay negative.
thetruthhurts - "ASSUME EVERYONE YOU ARE HAVING SEX WITH IS HIV . " if you knew beforehand the guy you were about to have sex with (anal sex) top, or bottom, was hiv would you go ahead? I didnt think so. Ever since the condom serge in the 80s, they have gone from about 80 to 90% effective.. against stds and pregnancy. Condoms are not meant for anal sex (guy or girl) Dont believe me? read the wrapper, (like anyone does that when they are getting it ready anyways) It is estimated for anal sex (again, guy or girl, so you all cant say im gay-bashing) they are about 60% effective, if you use sufficiant lube so they dont tear. Condoms are not the end all sure proof prevention against stds, particularily in man to man sex, though of course they do decrease your chances if one isnt used at all. There were condoms before the aids crisis in the mid 80s, though many did not use them. I do commend Chi-Chi for taking a stand; kudos for risking your own business on a moral high-ground, I prefer to use common logic and probability however in AIDS prevention. I am not a prude, nor a hypocrite, but rule of thumb to me, condom or not, the more casual sex you have, the more your chances.
James - U def rite!!!
justb - I don't know why people need the long explanation. What Chi Chi is saying is true. If we make safe sex what's normal, then we can encourage everyone to question unsafe sex. And yeah all you skeptics are the ones that haven't gotten an STD. So do what you like but if it's unsafe sex leave me and the rest of the gay community out of it. My health and my friend's health are more important that some 30 minutes of pleasure.Thank you Chi Chi for making a stand.
midlands-guy - well its a message that needs to be saild time after time again,but why? we all know the risks,we all know how to protect ourselves,its so simple,make it safe ,it can still be fun, i have lost so many friends from this disease, have you seen a close friend die from aids? its not nice believe me,the drugs that they take to keep them healthy? well yeah they might work but some of the side affects of the drugs can be nasty, THE MESSAGE IS SO SIMPLEUSE A CONDOMFOR HYGIENE REASONSAND TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM STDS / HIV- AIDSITS NOT A HARD THING TO REMEMBER GUYSLETS PRACTICE IT AND PROTECT OURSELVES AND OTHERS FROM THIS XXXX
rjp - Chi Chi --- thanks for sharing some sanity If your are selling any mid to late 80's pre-condom videos - you are selling barebacking vids produced during a time when models were knowingly put at risk for profit (they used the "we test all our models" line back then too. Production stopped when the models started to die and it became a turn off to see people put themself at risk ---- we have to ask ---- why is that not a turn off anymore ??? sad.But wisdom can and will make a comeback. Safe Sex is Hote Sex --- No PnP helps too.
brooklyn brother - it's about time someone stood up and said this! no one i know who is HIV enjoys taking the pills and dealing with the mind fuck that the disease plays. i'm neg and plan to stay that way. condoms existed before HIV and will last after. barbacking is just plain stupid! Thanks Chi Chi for speaking out!
Jeffrey Storer - Wonderful! We've lost so many and so much due to this desease... Let's spread the word. Thank you Chi Chi!
Michael - ChiChi, i think your video is amazing and i hope that the folks that hear it take it to heart and continue safer sex practices or change their behaviors to prevent possible infection. I am curious though, and pardon my following comments for being a little "in perfect world." While i understand that pre-condom movies are in Channel One's catalog and I don't think it is right to place judgement on you for continuing to sell them, is it a little hypocritical to continue to supply VOD providers with Channel One movies that also "renting" bareback films on their VOD services? I only ask because you mention revenues and if there is a source for making money people will do it in your PSA. Lets face it, in this time of electronic media it is much simpler to log onto or, watch a few minutes of a video and take care of business than buying a dvd. A multitude of folks are doing it or the VOD service providers wouldn't be able to stay afloat. Why would you allow your video's to also be marketed as content along the bareback content that you speak against. I would hope that people choose to watch films that use condoms but if you look at the most watched video's on (at the time of this posting in the pay-per-minute section) 14 of the top 20 most viewed are bareback films, and 8 of the films that feature bareback sex have either the word bare, bareback, or barebacking in the title. I don't want to single out any one provider of VOD services, it was just that and seem to be the services that are most recognized for gay porn VOD services. I applaud you for making this PSA and for continuing to say to folks that safer sex is hot sex. I hope that your videos impact folks to use safe sex practices when having sex. I hope people do not interpret my comments as a slam on ChiChi or her company, but i am curious, would you consider removing Channel One's videos from VOD providers that also rent films that feature bareback sex? I understand this is a business and you have to make money to provide us with quality, hot, safer-sex porn in the future. I am just asking you, out of complete respect, would it be to much to remove channel one's videos from online vod providers that also cater to those companies that are making bareback films? I am just a consumer that believes in your ability to make people think with this video! Albeit a bit much, don't you think removing Channel One's content from sites that feature bareback porn a much bigger statement to the masses? Wouldn't you, by removing your videos from these sites make the statement that you not only don't and won't make condomless porn, but that you refuse to support in any manor those who seek to profit by marketing it?I guess I am a little late in the game to make a comment on this PSA video, but I really thought long and hard about my words in this post. I continued to make revision after revision hoping to say what I though to be the right thing without slamming someone who clearly believes in what he/she says and is willing to draw the line and not cross it. I hope my post is taken in the spirit in which it is written, which is respect and admiration.MichaelPS. i hope that my grammar isn't a distraction for folks reading this, I was a business student not an english major in college. :-)
Cameron Cowan - We lose too many of our very own every year to not think about this. Condoms are a god send for us all and we would all be wise to use them and the porn industry can lead the way in this area. I hope, I really do hope that this will only be the beginning of a revolution that will sweep every genre.
James Lenaghan - Thank you Chi Chi. Your message is true and I almost learnt this the hard way!
Braden - great message, too bad however that I linked to it from ManHunt, the leading website for unsafe sex. To see the number of 20 something guys on there HIV and BBing is Mind Blowing. Safe Sex Rocks!!
Mark - So so so very important to have made this campaign, Chi Chi. Thank you thank you thank you!To call the BB craze absurd is a massive understatement. Mystifying perhaps is the best adjective. It makes no sense really although I agree the conservative movement in the US is a major problem given their lack of support for safe sex education.Keep up the great work both behind the camera and as a safe sex spokesperson.
Lady Justice - We've all lost too many to become apathetic.Thank you for making this powerful and fun message.
Gary Iriza - Chi Chi Well done babe, I miss/love you.All the leather people soon will be supporting you on this.Gary
Matthew - Chi Chi, YOU are hot. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This vid makes some valuable points - there has been so much "slippage" on the safer sex front. Your stylish and poignant vid will go a long way to reigniting the fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS. Come up and see us some time in the Great White North.Yours, and wrapping it up,Matthew PavelichMr. Leatherman Toronto 2008
Jasper - The drag who really is a drag has been making boring porn for 20 years now. I loose my appetite by watching Miss Thing. Safe sex is boring, Breed - bareback is the way of the furure, roll over granny, it's not thr 80's anymore.
Keith - I’m the director who “Jon” mentions in this thread as having ‘shrugged off’ his concerns about condom usage at a video shoot for which he was hired recently. Just to be clear, my response which would have been heard by several members of the cast standing outside smoking (“Jon,” so concerned for his health and that of others, is a non-stop smoker) was that he should not feel weird about using condoms. I added, “Depending on your point of view, you’re either the smartest person here or a prude.” I had announced at the start of the shoot that our studio policy was to make condom usage optional. I had further added no one gets more money for not wearing rubbers, nor does anyone get greater billing or more screen time based on condom usage. I concluded by reminding the models that all cum shots should be done on a models chest or backside and never inside the model. The odd thing is that the next morning “Jon” told me it had been an enjoyable experience and he thanked me for including him. I never heard anything remotely resembling a statement that might express horror, either the night of the shoot, the morning after, or for that matter in the several weeks since the shoot. He certainly could have declined the pay and gone home early but he never voiced any notion of doing this and I’ve never heard any expressions of concern on the matter since that evening until I read this thread.
Jimmy - Wow, great message and I have to say as a webmaster I find this website superbly designed! You go Chi Chi... I always wrap it up!
Kevin - Great PRA, but I hope that there are going to be regulations and tougher standards for porn videos now.
Markey-Marc - This was excellent. An important message for anyone in the community, especially the younger ones. Thank you Chi-Chi.
tito - i agree 100% cause i dont know how peaple can put their life in risk like that... good job chichi
Jeremiah - I actually find condoms to be extremely sexy. I find it a scary fact that the gay community is not using condoms. Scary that we are doomed to repeat exactly what happened in the past, and I don't want to have to live through an era where we loose talented people from the gay community. I am sorry, but unsafe sex is playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun. Hand out condoms, and tell the youth of our community about the death that we have faced before, and the death that we will face again!
Jonathan Copeland - Every person needs to see this!! Excellent work. We are placing links to this all over the internet as I type this, even on our Corporate MySpace page!!
James Somerton - Im only 19 and I see other gay men my age (and younger) having sex bareback without any worries. I dont understand it. Maybe it's because i'm aware of the history of HIV/AIDS but i'm terrified of bareback sex and, on regular occasion, try to talk my friends out of it. Sadly, in most cases, they're too caught up with the "AIDS is dead and gone" idea. I hope it doesn't take another major breakout such as we saw in the 1980's to make them realize that HIV/AIDS is real and it doesn't care how young you are.
vivasyd - Very interesting but the story is always moving on and I am a person who was tested positive in 1985. Look at the following link . link
Peter Shapcott - Good on you for adding your voice to the dangers of barebacking. We speak to thousands of newly diagnosed guys every year on our helpline and its scary that many guys under 25 think you can't get HIV from sleeping with other young guys. You can and you probably will!. Full info about us in in the NAM directory and anyone worried about HIV/AIDS is welcome to email/call us.We totally support your 'Safe Sex is Hot Sex' campaign Chi Chi.If you still don't believe the dangers of HIV after listening to Chi Chi log on to to learn more about the real dangers of this terrible disease.Peter Shapcott, Director, The Eddie Surman Trust.
mikey - safe sex is the way
Jose - Gracias ChiChi, es uno de los mejores mensajes que haya podido ver sobre lo que significa cuidarse. Todos estamos en un enorme riesgo todo el tiempo, no hay porque hacerlo más grande, y ojalá todos puedan ver este mensaje, no solo gays, sino todos.Thanks a lot ChiChi, it is one of the best messages about self care i have ever seen about what it means. We all are in high risk of getting an infection all the time, ther is no a reason to make it higher, i hope everybody in the world could see this message, not just gays, i mean everybody. Thanks.
Rosco - I have yet to do anything with a guy, But one thing that freaks me out the most is the risk of an infection. I honestly don't know why gay guys (anyone really) don't use condoms. Love the video :D
hawk - actually, my life has improved by becoming hiv positive. nice promo though. thanks!
Scallydandan - Thank you chi-chi for making this bold statement. I agree with you totally, I'm shocked at the amount of bareback porn that is available today it's a terrifying trend and it clearly has an influence on gay youth in the UK and all over the world. I think a big part of the problem is the publications that run adverts for bareback pornos and also the stores that sell it. They are running the ads and selling the dvds to make money for sure, but at what cost? The cost of infecting models and saying to the new generation of gay kids bareback is fun and sexy, I would be quite interested in maybe seeing you make a film about porn models who now have aids to show the impact it has had on their lives. Bareback porn is simply bad education. xxx
DJ Robbie Martin - WOW! THAT WAS FUCKING AMAZING. Now that PSA needs to be played in hot rotation at EVERY video bar in the country. I have a new respect for you Chi Chi!
Peter - Bareback films do not put the actors at risk as they are already HIV ve, hence the whole foundation of your argument has no substance.
sister truth - I understand wearing condoms on set., but what difference does it make if there are still several people in the industry that have HIV and are allowed to continue to do porn. Do we actually need to have an incident where a condom breaks and endangers that scene partners life before we start to become strict and prohibit those that have the virus to atleast inform their scene partner about their status. I think the individuals that have it and are continuosly doing films are being extremely selfish and risking the life of the other member. Should the gay industry start testing all their models to decrease the risk of disease or is it worth somones life? If the industry is so hungry for money that they will endanger someones life just to get someone to remain in the industry its pretty sad and makes this whole project basically a joke. Get serious and test every model!!!! Think about their overall life and not just the money that is being brought up from the film.
jesse - Great message, but lets be real. I speak thru 20 years of sexual experience "safe sex is not hot sex" I have been with every type of guy out there young, old, straight, bi, and even married. When a guy wants sex they want it irght away with out delay and almost all prefer skin on skin and so do I. Its very risky but its the sense of being as close and being connected and I find it to be very hot and a beautiful thang. I have rarely used a rubber and don't plan on using one in the future either. I started barebacking when I was 15 years old. I have had over 3,000 sex partners and after 12 years of barebacking I did become positive. So yes I have paid the ultimate price for not having my partners put a rubber on but I still wouldn't have it any other way. I'm 35, I am still hot, still horney as ever and still enjoy bareback sex with just a few partners. There is nothing like having my stud ejaculate inside me. Its a preference its not for everybody. Its my life and I know that for some may think that my thinking is crazy but I am not ashamed, bitter, or angry. I love myself more than I have ever in my whole life. I have no regrets and continue doing all and everything in life with out limitations. I commend you for your great message and I know there must be others like me. Thanks and I hope my message gets posted. Yours truly,-jesse
Chris - Work it Chi Chi... I'm tired of having to worry if a partner is gonna try to pull the whole we don't need a condom routine .. if they pull it the first thing I'm to do is make them watch this.. brilliant short
the undeniable - i respect the message and commend you for saying it. you rock!
Christian Marshall - Actually what kind of surprises me is that few Gay Health organizations or commentators in the gay media have said much on this side of the Atlantic re the proliferation of gay bareback titles, so many of which feature very young guys. Up until three years ago, pretty much all producers used condoms and there was a general consensus to use them. Then combination therapy happened, a few companies stepped out with bareback titles, and then when those were a success a bandwagon started, But no one much spoke out, despite the Gay Community having gone through this health crisis for close to thirty years. A friend in the industry tells a story that three years ago he knew three models in the industry with HIV, now he knows 50 and most of them under 30. And yet to speak out about this in the industry, if you are not someone of Chi Chi's high profile, is to risk being though of as negative or a trouble maker by a large part of the industry. I genuinely believe that until this become a topic that is debated outside the narrow confines of the industry itself, and by the gay community generally nothing will change. The majority of gay men I speak to say to me that bareback films are just a fantasy and the models know what they are getting into even when they are only 18. I cannot agree with that.
Steven - This is so true I love that you stand for this. I have never barebacked i dont understand why people rish there lives for sex
Nathan - Thank you Chi Chi! As someone who has worked in the adult entertainment industry for over a decade I believe we need to lead by example. I have always had a problem with bareback movies, your right "monkey see, monkey do". It's time that these bareback producers realize, it isn't just about the money, its about human beings and their quality of life, they need to take some social responsibility. Porn movies reach all corners of the globe. They need to lead the way, all porn in my believes should be safe porn. In my business we always insist on condoms we wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for standing up and having the courage to stand up against some of your peers. When ever you come to Australia give me a call, I'm more than happy to show you our beautiful country. You're an inspiration and I take my hat off to you!
gregory - amazing! can you guys send me a link to post this video on my site..? thank yougregxoxox
icansatisfy - Very good! This made me cry! I had no idea! I am a top so am i ok fucking a guy that may be HIV ????Good Job the whole world needs a dose of this message crafted to fit every sector!R
john - good on ya chi chi! you are a fucking legend.
Christian Marshall - Well done for speaking out. As a gay adult director in the UK who always uses condoms, I have written to Boyz Magazine here, who have been giving a lot of coverage to the alleged recent HIV transmissions on a British bareback shoot.. I have also been working with another producer Steve Brewer to come up with some health advise and guidelines for models and producers . We fully explain the risks of barebacking...even with certifcates, although we have gone don the road of suggesting minimum testing requirements for bareback shoots, purely because, unless something drastic happens such shoots are going to continue. It is difficult to know how this situation will change unless customers stop buying bareback porn. As producers who use condoms we are trying to do something...but it is really up to the bareback producers to come back and explain their position. Lastly. Maybe it would be good to have a page on this site where other producers can post their logo to indicate support for this site. Also how about a "Wrap it up Logo" that we can put on the box covers of our all condom films, again to show support for this initiative. Christian Marshall, Corolo Film
Tristan Sommers - Ok i love this video! Its so true and its REAL and its amazing. I am only 18 and have been in the adult industry since about the day i turned 18 lol. As long as i'm a twink there will always be someone wanting to make a bareback video with me. I can honestly say i have never done a bareback video and never will. safe sex really is HOT sex. Knowing is better than putting yourself at risk... when you know you're being safe is so much easier to get into it and have great sex. lol. LOVE YOU CHI CHI!!!
Matt - I am glad that someone in the adult industry has stood p and has taken a stand on this issue, you Amaze me in all that you do!!
Dean Beck - Congratulations Chi Chi. As distributors of TitanMen in Australia we understand and support your message. I have taken the liberty of informing the major gay press here in OZ and they have already done a story on this fabulous site and a link. link My sincere thanks for your message - congratulations from Down Under
Luke - Thanks for speaking out ChiChi!!!!! Maybe gay people will wake up again and stop this bareback madness.
Mike - Making mistakes suck and unfortunately I have to pay for that, being 20 years old and positive. Don't let being in-the-moment take advantage of you. Use your brain, and not your dick.
Ryan Sneaux- porn star - I believe it takes someone of your level in the business to really help show gay guys, and even straight guys (and women) that condoms are VERY IMPORTANT! The stigma is still out there, and we cant stop fighting. No matter how "hot" some people think bareback sex is, getting a disease that you can not get rid of, is NOT! Thank you for speaking out on this subject! I hope that others get behind you--better yet get right up there beside you, and stand against bareback sex!!! Now we need to get people that are HIV to tell the truth about their being HIV . While some do, some dont, and some lie and say they arent, but actually are--or worse DONT KNOW! And what about these "breeding parties?" How disgusting is that? I cant imagine someone willing to do it, but more importantly, someone willing to let someone do it or participating! It is a scary thought. HIV wont go away if we dont stop it! There is NO CURE yet, but we can STOP IT DEAD IN ITS TRACKS if we use protection, EVERYTIME! Bless you Chi Chi! Keep up the hot hot hot work!
Brad - Hot. Just fucking hot. Thanks for the great message.
Blue Eyes - ChiChi - Right on. Thanks for using the resources and connections you have established in media to get the word out. Gay men need to realize it CAN happen to them.
Gregory - chi chi - thanks for doin this, you're message is right on. and you're a hot lookin man, i'd like to see more of you sans drag!
whiteraven - Thank you Chi Chi for this most realistic post. People have forgotten that these guys are human too. They are someone's son, uncle, cousin, brother and in some cases, someone's father. I too am guilty of putting them in a bubble. Thanks for the eye opener girl!
Shaun - wow thanx for sharing... hopefully the gay boys will open up their eyes now..
migizi - CHI-CHI, I love this video... you have always had the hottest men in your videos.. and I love when you come back to minneapolis and have a good time at the saloon... I remember back in the day I was your body guard at the saloon.. it was great... keep up the good work... see you soon.. *kisses*
Dustyn - Je t'aime Chi Chi!This is such a great message to be spreading. I applaud the use of condoms in your movies, and I would hope that other studios will follow suit. Too true is the fact that the HIV/AIDS epidemic is growing, and being 19 years old, I fall in the age group at high risk, which is frustrating to hear. 15 - 24 is very young, having barely taken a breath of life yet. It's depressing how HIV is becoming more and more a part of the everyday lives of these youth, and everyone in general.Thanks for putting this message out there, and best of luck spreading it!KISS KISS!
matt - I really appreciate this. Affecting the demand is the only way to affect the supply. I think the larger reality here is that people are getting desensitized (pardon the pun) to the idea of protection and that the 15-25 y/o range is still believes in the immortality of youth. I know too many people under 21 who are HIV and they all said "It never occurred to me, really, that I could become infected. It just wasn't a reality in my world until now." I just wish people realized that the easiest way to win at Russian Roulette is to simply take all the bullets out of the gun. Then you can trust the game, and have fun playing it.
Ken - HURRAH for taking a stand! It's way too easy to forget and ignore the reality of HIV/AIDS. The myth of HIV being manageable ignores drug side effects and new resistant drug resistant strains of the virus. Paul completely misses the point - I have some of the "pre-condom" videos, and they are really hot. But there's also a little bit of guilt remembering how many of those gorgeous guys are now dead from AIDS. Is it as hot watching Dawson taking all that cum if you think about the fact that any one of them could be giving him HIV?
Rhiannon Owens - One of many reasons why i respect you not only as a friend, but also as a human being. I really appreciate you taking the time to let your voice be heard on an issue that all too often falls on deaf ears; especially with the younger generations of homosexuals, bisexuals, and questioning men. Kudos to you, Love.
Jamey - Thank you Chi Chi for the reminder we all need that we should assume everyone we have sex with is positive. I appreciate your honesty! As for Paul there, that might be true but think about Dawson being positive and then not so hot...
Paul - Oh CHI CHI come on - you're telling me its not HOT watching Dawson getting 40 hot loads inside him - smell the coffee baby.....
Emerson Johnson - Yes, how that is so true in this day and age how we now take everything for granted and put our values so low. Yet, we as gay people are worth so much more then what we see our selfs. It takes one to make a change or brake up all. Where do you stand?
James - Chi Chi, I lost my best friend to HIV ... I hope your message spares someone else the nightmare of seeing someone you love waste away to this horrible disease
Cuban - Great work Chi Chi! I wish you all the best!
Rich - Thanks so much for being the voice of Reason. So many gay men think that its just sex. what could go wrong.Where can I get a copy of this??Thanks so much again!!!
Jare - In all honesty, great Ad, but, like a a mother, you can raise them, feed them educate until you face turns blue. You can look them in their rooms until the end of never...but at the end of the day, the kids are going to do what they want. Some people still to this day don't believe shit that have to smell it for themselves.
Erik from Jersey - I wasn't expecting such a powerful message.You've changed my mind!Thank you.
DevonXNIghtshade - i LOVE you. this is seriously the GREATEST thing I have ever seen. it needs to go on Logo or something. screw that. it's going on national TV. NBC ABC CBS all of them! this is a major issue that is important for EVERYONE. people need to get a wake up call and realize that sadly, we're not invincible. seriously, I love you. amazing.-DXN
RadioMatthew.Com - Never really did ever understand you.
Jp - Well done! If only more people would join in the fight. It seems like people have almost forgotten that it really is a crisis. Keep up the good work.
Trace Van De Kamp - You know, I watched you on stage at PLAY in Nashville a few weeks ago and I have to admit that I didn't like you. You seemed pretentious and insulting (and I've been to the clubs around the country and PLAY/Nashville aren't bad). After watching this video, you've won me over to your camp.<3
ABinTallahasseeFL - CHI CHI I love this video. It's something that everyone should watch! I run a gay men's project in Tallahassee and would with your permission use this video when I have to do discussion groups and outreaches to the GLBT community. Please email me back when you get a chance because I would really like the opportunity to get your message out there, a message that is TRUE and REAL! Peace
SteveHjoseph - Chi Chi LaRue you are my role model. I haven't been this happy to watch an ad in a while.
Mickey Skee - Yep, I was there at the beginning, when you were trying to convince folk like Chuck Holmes to use condoms in Falcon videos, and you even persuaded us to keep certain companies from being considered for awards until they started using condoms, and then of course, those studios and some of those people became known as "AIDS activists."We both have so many mutual friends who are gone from this, and after being on so many sets, both you and I know that these guys are not testing positive for anything they've ever done on one of your sets... and I've been around when you've "scolded" guys for their own unsafe practices on their own time. It will be impossible to ever count how many people you've saved. You go girl!love,-m
Chris - Hey Chi Chi! Thank you so much for taking a stand. This is such an important message right now to be screaming from the mountaintops!Please, please, enable us to embed a link to this on YouTube, so we can spread your message all over the internet!
Gary - I love you! You produce some of the best porn on the market and the fact that you promote concom use makes them very HOT, very SEXY! Keep those bigs cocks wrapped up guys. Thanks Chi Chi
Marty - I think this is fantastic. I am going to try and figure out how to add it to all my profiles...esp on the ning things so that it just takes a click,
Joey - Awesome PSA
Sister Dirrtie - Safe Sex is Hot Sex!
Kevin Clarke - Bravo Chi Chi. Your words say this better then mine ever could. I suppose that the reality of this is easier for those who have lived through the worst days of Aids, while it is not as much in our face as it once was people are still dying, lives are being altered, and it is tragic. Just last year we lost my dear friend Brandy Dalton and I just could not get my mind around losing such a talent so young, and within hours of his passing I got word from a 19 YO how he had just become positive and it just broke my heart. I walked away from porn because I would not shoot bareback as my market was swamped by European bareback. My hats off to you and people like Steve Shays that have hung on and acted how their conscience told them despise how it affected their wallet. This however is not really about porn, or money, it is about not having to tell a 19 YO there is no easy way to tell his mother what has become of her son. It is about not having to bury one more person as a result of something we could have stopped from happening.
Candice Littleton - Chi Chi you are so RIGHT ON. Tell it like it is, and may those out there watching this video get it right too by heeding your warning to WRAP IT UP. Safe sex IS hot sex!Much luv and respect sista! @>===
Scott - Chi Chi is right, safe sex is hot! The only concern I have is when you put guys in your movies that also do or have done bareback work. Have you thought about excluding those guys?
Doug Steelman - Hey Chi Chi you rock.Im so glad you have theguts to speak your mind without worrying about the money that might be lost.I just recently came to reality with being gay,and have had men try and talk me into bareback anal sex.They act like AIDS is'nt a reality.I wonder if young men are even aware that it can kill them,So talk sister,speak up and SCREAM! Work it like only YOU can. Huggs and Peace..Doug
M@ty K - OH MY GOD! THANK YOU CHICHI!!! i have felt this way for soooo long! when i see bareback porn it is a major turn off for me! i cant stop thinking about how unsafe it is. i'll talk to ppl about how much they love it but i cant help but htink about how unsafe they are being and i want them to wake up!!! thank you chichi!!!! SO MUCH! M@TY K- 19, COLORADO
Drew - You are an amazing speaker and truly influential. thank you for doing this.
Ty LeBeouf - I take my hat off to you Chi Chi. Well said and couldn't be said any better. This is a reality of people promoting unsafe sex which is leading to epidemic of disaster. From friends, parents, and your doctor you know better but please educate yourself more on the issue at hand. No to mention there is more to worry about then just HIV alone. There is over 400,000 different types of STD's. As porn producers and performers we should promote what is healthy. Chi Chi is not only given advice but she is clearing her name from what so many companies have been doing in order to just make a buck. It is said to say if the Bareback porn is on a climb then we as people are in for a long ride. Rap it up, take care of yourself, love yourself, damn it!!! respect yourself!
Aaron Ashford - Hey! What a great message! I'll have to get this subtitled into French/Spanish and German for the guys in Europe!Glad to see the best producer respecting the models! All the best!
Carl Hause - I'm a current student working in the direction of having a career in the adult film industry as a director, and after watching your video on barebacking, I have decided that if I ever make it as a director, I will fallow in your footsteps and never make a video that involves unsafe sex. I want to thank you for informing of the risks that the men in adult movies face, because I had no idea, and I also want to thank you for inspiring me to work towards my goal so that I might one day help make a difference.
Frank Bates - I've always been somewhat anti-bareback in principle....but I still watched and reviewed the films. I am happy now to announce that SmutRaker by Frank Bates in insideOut Nashville will no longer review or promote bareback films. You are right Chi Chi...
Danny Ray - I am a director too and I am very proud I know him personally. I am against the bareback movies too. Pls more men as him. Thank you Chi-Chi
alex - Thank you!!!! thank you!!!! . You go girl! i would never let anyone fuck me without condom , i love me, i love my life. i want to stay neg 4ever. if someone want to fuck me then fuck me with condom ! HIV/ AID is ugly and gross . Peace out! Chi chi
Tim - I think Chi Chi is too preachey. What ever happened to freedom of sexual expression???People shouldn’t be getting their health advice from porn, they should be getting it from their doctor. If a young kid plays a violent video game does that mean he’s more prone to go out and shoot up a mall?Telling someone how we should or shouldn’t have sex is exactly what we are fighting the Christian fundamentalists on.There are many studios that have a policy about not hiring bareback performers but then turn around and sell their “Pre-Condom” videos. What gives???? I think these studios are seeing their bottom line going in the red and are intimidated by all these bareback studios that are blossoming and have to get attention to their products in any way, any shape, any how.
Wendy - My comment is to Bill Simms with his back handed compliment. How about you step up for those issues you are so passionate for. We cant expect Chi Chi to carry the cross for every disease can we? Yes those are all dangerous aspects for sex workers but this PSA was atleast for me the beginning to healthy coversations that go across the board. So I ask those that are ready to jump on how about this and that wagon , stand UP and do something yourself.Wendy Williams **
Jamie Hendrix - Larry;Great Job. As a veteran of the Gay XXX business and motion picture industry I commend you on helping drive the point home. Congrats.JH
Jérôme - I was there in Berlin at that dreadful travesty of an awards ceremony when you spoke out and took a stand. And I thanked you for it afterwards. I was sure it was just a beginning, and this PSA with its perfectly clear message is ample evidence of your firm commitment to this. As you know, and mention in your message, things have reached a critical point here in Europe. We are hoping to turn this around this year, particularly in Prague where things have been out of control for three years now. I hope you and other major US studios will respond to PINK TV's sollicitation and send PSA clips for the Sidaction event at the end of March. In any case, I am sure you'll be on board when it comes to fighting the good fight.
Sebastian Rio - Finally some one has spoken about this. I'm very happy that was you Chi Chi I have so much respect for you and now with this message I think that this will Open the eyes of the young and the rest of the world. GREAT JOB!!!!!! Love you.Sebastian Rio
Aaron at - Chi Chi -- thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Adam Segel - An amazing video and great message - so impressive!
Bill Sims - Well this is great, but AIDS is not the only fatal disease. Hepatitis C is REAL. So how about putting dental dams on for rimming? Also, no more cum in the eyes like in Oral Exams, ok? And let's keep the cum away from the hole, not like in the Back Room where Chi Chi has Chad Hunt cum on the bottoms asshole. Great start, but there's a lot more work to do!
Ryan Foxxx - Glad you put it out there Chi Chi...I know I have worked with Channel 1 and several others...I am neg as of 28 Jan 2008 and have filmed 2 bareback movies with my parters that I have been with for over two years each. I am glad that someone put this out there and I will so be sending you an e-mail today! I love you Chi Chi...Ryan Foxxx
Izora Starr - Ms ChiChi!!! You go girl. Shake up the complacency, explode the stupidity and restore sanity to the industry.Keep up the good work!!Love from the UK xx
BeBe Sweetbriar - Chi Chi, you never cease to tell it like it is! All the respect in the world to ya....I hope the youngsters pay attention!!!!!BeBe
DeWayneinSD - I'll Take YOUR Crazy Drag Queen ramblings anyday! I admire anyone who can look beyond the money and who cares for the guys. This can be a Dehumanizing business you have consistently fought that attitude! Wow 20 years in the biz Chi Chi Congratulations ;-)
Anya - It's become discouraging just how much barebacking porn rents in our store. Thank you for helping spread responcibility!
Pierre Fitch - Thank you! Fabulous.
Steve Shay - Thanks to Chi Chi and her crew for doing this. I completely agree. Here at Citiboyz, we've been making nothing but safe-sex videos for the past 10 years. We believe that our models are our most important asset, and that it makes no sense to put them at risk for a dollar. Kudos to everyone in this business who puts their conscience ahead of their greed! Chi Chi, you rock... and you lead the way. Thanks again.
Danny Cullen - As a UK fetish website producer We have always believed that we have a duty to protect our models there seems to be a growing trend in the UK especially the "Twink market" that its ok to produce bareback porn We second your comments Chi Chi come on lads wrap it up
Daena - Your message has really affected my life. I first saw your Wrap It Up video on A Night At Bruno's, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.However, it did not stop me from barebacking with a man I loved, and who I thought loved me. Luckily, after he left me, I saw your video again online and it helped me realize the reality of what I had almost done to myself. My idiocy did not lead to HIV, I thank the higher power every day for that.I have vowed to never bareback again.Others have not been as lucky. I am so glad that your message is still out there to reach so many people, Chi Chi.You Rock, Daena
Dame Daxx - Bravo, Chi Chi.Your service to gay men is matched only by your service to Mascara and Maybelline.Love you for loving Daxx
Chris - Rock On Chi Chi... that was awsome... thank you for everything that you do
Ben L. - Thanks Chi Chi you are a great example for the gay community and I am very proud that you support safe sex. xoxo
Jay @ The Sword - You said it better than anyone could. What is hot about watching a young model possibly getting HiV while shooting a scene? Consumers should all be getting wise to the fact that behind the fantasy is a real person getting exploited by people who should know better.
Ed Woody - Bravo Chi Chi...It's a shame that in 2008 we still have to have these conversations, but its fantastic that such a high profile ( and respected ) industry person is doing this.The only way to fight this is through education, and to convince the guys that spend money on barebacking movies that there are hot, high quality porn flicks available with condoms. This is not going to be an easy battle though, as money talks, and every porn store you go into these days has racks of bareback movies. The most shocking part of this is the boys that are being used in these films are getting younger by the day . Which brings me back to education, and good quality SAFE porn, in other words projects like and amazing films from C1R.We support and applaud you.
Richard - WONDERFUL , EXCELLENT job, hope everyone watches this video and understands it.
Nina St. Marcos - CHI CHI you go girl.... very good video... looking forward to seeing you next monthLatersNina
edward james - CHI CHI IS HOT... Love the clip.. you ROCK !
Dale - Very well done. as always!Luv ya Chi Chi
terry hammond - I think Chi Chi you r doning a wounderful job promoting this video, Im up there is age and yes it definatly needs to put out thier just the way you said it for the youngster's of are future to be safe thanks again for everything you r doing
Eric A. Kane - Beautiful job, Chi Chi. My thanks to you and the boys at C1R. This latest generation of gay men has NO IDEA; hopefully this will help keep them from learning the hard way as we have. Producing bareback porn shits on the memory of every gay man who has died of AIDS. Period.
steve - being a friend of one of your performers, I have to applaud your video, Chi Chi, You are the man!! and your message, I pray will be heard.....thanks for all you do
Angel Benton - I have never in my life been so proud to know somebody. THANK YOU Chi Chi La Rue for everything you have done for the past 20 years to advocate safer sex, in spite of the fact that at times (especially nowadays) it must feel like nobody is listening. DON'T EVER GIVE UP! The world (not just the gay community) needs you.
Wrong - Rory,1. His name is not Brent Vaughn. Its Josh Vaughn2. He is not featured in this PSA.3. He did 2 bareback scenes when he first came into the industry because he did not know better. Lucky for him and other models, Chi Chi is spreading the word that models should not bareback.4th and FINAL. Rory...You're an idiot and just because you can talk doesn't mean you should. Best to keep your mouth shut next time?
Gio - Chi Chi - I stand behind you and this campaign 100%. I am proud to know you and call you my friend and will continue to champion the use of condoms and safe sex practices in the gay porn industry. As a gay man that came out in 1984, I have seen 1st hand the devistation of HIV/AIDS and I even lost my 1st lover in the early 90s. There are too many young gay men entering the adult industry today that were not even born at the height of the crisis and I believe we owe it to those young men to be vigilant in protecting their best interests. It is unfortunate that so many of these young men are being fed lines of BS by money hungry producers of BB porn and those producers certainly do not have the models best interest in mind.You are an inspiration and hopefully this will be the beginning to an end of glorifying unsafe sex in the gay porn industry.
Christian Cruz - This is beautiful!!! i love your message...Daniel
David fagan - A reality check is needed. Thanks for bringing it, Chi Chi. And for those who think nobody gets hurt, London gay mag Boyz reported in Oct 07 that 3 models were infected on a gay porn set (the HIV model learned his status 3 days after the shoot wrapped). Perhaps the REAL ANSWER to the trend, however, is not in ethical or alturistic appals. Perhaps the real answer is to MAKE MODELS STUDIO EMPLOYEES and not independent contractors. Then the studios become LIABLE (at least in the U.S. under workman's compensation) for unsafe conditions and, if that happened, just watch the studio's lawyers rush to the sets with BOXES OF CONDOMS! If economics is what is driving BB studios, let's use economics to move them to WRAP IT UP!
EDwin Seth Brown - Thank you so much for being a loud voice for what is right!
RETRO! - This was astounding to me- I never thought about it!I really wanted to post it on my MySpace for my friends, but it was "disabled by request." Does this not stop your message in it's tracks? I love and respect Chi -Chi
PJ - Fantastic job with the PSA, and many thanks for keeping your standards high when others have sunk to the bottom of the barrel. We love you, Chi Chi.
ALABAMA - Thank you for doing your part to fight the AIDS epidemic, You are a leader and an insperation your voice can make the differance.
Ecstasy - May this message of "Wrap It Up" resound throughout the industry and the gay community. Cheers to you Chi Chi for being the messenger!
Cal Skye - Chi Chi afuckingmazing job... I am going to post your link to your video on my myspace so the word spreads... NO BAREBACK PORN
Randall - The only thing safer than Safe Sex is NO SEX! So as I see it we have only these two choices! Chi Chi Thanks for your stand. I hope more people wake up!randall
Joel - Brava! Bravo!!
Chase Evans - Rory, get your facts straight before you post things for the entire world and Industry to see. For one Riley Burke has never done bareback porn so if you don't know your facts don't post it. That is considered libel, and defamation of character. He is a friend of mine and we have been in the industry for the same amount of time. This kind of thing can damage a models career. To set the record straight, Riley Burke HAS NOT, DOES NOT and WILL NOT do bareback porn nor do I do it in my personal life. I am AGAINST bareback porn. I am currently represented by FABSCOUT Entertainment and we have a policy against shooting for bareback porn. So just to clarify Riley Burke has NEVER done Bareback Porn, and before you SLANDER a persons name think before you post.Have fun and wear your condoms.<3Much Luv Chase Evans
Jase__New Zealand - Well done. We need more outspoken "spokes people" that tell it as it is.
Howard - Rory, Perhaps you should check some facts first regarding mentioning certain models and BB movies..... you specifically list 2. We are all sure at least 1 of them has NEVER done any BB Movies and for you to slander isnt fair. Jealousy is a dangerous animal Rory.
Howard - ChiChi, you heard Gio and I on the phone when this came out. What can we say AMAZING, Thank you for being the "Team Leader" on this.... Lets hope more follow suit. We love you....H and J
WendyWilliams - THis is why I look up to youso much, truly a legend!
Tiffany Padgett - Even thought I am a Lesbian I commend you on your fight of safe sex. We all need to practice safe sex as human. Not just for ourselves but for our families. ONE LOVE CHI CHI
Casey Williams - THANKS for such a great video! I always appreciated working on your sets and loved the fact that I was never put at risk to make a porn video! I'm sure I had sex with HIV guys but due to safe sex I remain HIV NEGATIVE to this day. THANKS
Sister Anni Coque l Doo - You put out a great message and I know Sister Roma and you are friends which is how I found the site. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see more from you on this message. This Sister is all for safe sex.
Dre - THANK YOU! thank you! THANK YOU! thank you! THANK YOU! thank you! THANK YOU! thank you! THANK YOU! I became a statistic at 20
Lee - Bravo!
Shane - I'm a safe-sex advocate as well. That's why I love your movies. I really admire your work and your care and concern for the porn stars that works for you. It's no wonder so many people love you Chi Chi. :) You're effin awesome!
DMC - Thank you for taking a stand on this, Chi Chi. The sudden prevalence of "bareback" videos in the face of rising incidences of new infections isn't just shameful, it's a public health problem. Are the production companies on this page (Channel 1, yours, etc.) companies that are on board? I'm surprised not to see Falcon on the list. I'd love to see you issue a petition and a list of companies that officially commit not to do this anymore.
Kameron Scott - As a model myself...I know. I have done bareback scenes in the past...but never again. I wish more producers would take a stand.
indiablack - Safe sex is hot sex! thanks for great porn, and knowing that we are still in a crisis and need to respect ourselves and protect everyone!
Jonathan Foulk - Thank you! This was kick ass! Your the best on getting this message out! SAFE SEX IS HOT! Oh yes! XOXO
Yasmee O'Day - Thank you!!! It's a fabulous thing you posted!!
BACnSF - Thank you for taking a firm stand. Others only wish they had the balls.
Jay - GREAT PSA!!! Thank you for making it. I hope that you'll make it available for wide distribution at youth centers, video bars etc. This is a very effective and well produced mesage.
Rory - Chi Chi, I think your message would have more of an impact if you didn't feature Bareback models in your PSA. Both Brent Vaughn (Vonn) and Riley Burke have done bareback porn. Thanks for the lead on hot movies!!
Sigster - ..:: standing ovation ::..Thanks Chi Chi!
RockHard - I'm not a fan of your over-produced porn productions but this has to be one of the best PSA's I've ever seen. Thank you for speaking out and doing so in such a powerful way.
David Schmit - Does Chi Chi have a speaking tour, for example, where he addresses those at Pride events on the Wrap It Up campaign?
Harry Bitsch - YOU GO GIRL!You've proved yet again that you are one of a kind. We need more like you.
Jeff - Thank you for daring to put it out there and to show how much you really care about people our community. I needed to hear your message and to see your passion. I'm negative and just starting to date somebody who is positive. I needed to be reminded that I always need to wear a condom and that we can have crazy hot sex even with one on. Thank you, you're an inspiration.
D. J. Perez - Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Chi Chi, for "WRAP IT UP: T he Next Generation". Keep on Going Boldly where other Porn Luminaries fear to tread.My spin? "SAFER SEX IS THE 'NEW BLACK'! 'RAW' is so Y2K, and we're over that. Ohh, didn't you catch this '411'? Where were you?" It's time for more folks to OPEN A MOUTH about "Wrapping It Up!" You do me with a condom, or you don't do me At ALL! I'm Too Sexy to want HIV (bringing some Retro Flava in...)Peace, Pleasure, and The Pursuit of Happiness!D. J. PerezVolunteer Peer Outreacher and Educator, V.I.P. (Virus and Infection Protection) Crew, Fenway Community Health, Boston, MA
Shirley Heezgay! - Fantastic! Thank you for doing this and for maintaining your artistic and moral integrity when it comes to safe sex and HIV prevention. You look FABULOUS, too!One tiny your PSA there's an image of someone opening a condom in a chlorinated pool. Is that safe for the condom? Just wondering....
chris - thank you! great message. and great video!
Derek da Silva - Brava! I'm so happy you did this video. Our community needs to step back and start making safer sex cool again. When I came out in the late 80's the message was everywhere - now everyone acts like it's passé. I'll be wearing my retro 80's checked hankie as a pocket square at the awards this month - and when they ask what they hell it's about I'll tell them.
Trevor Jaden - OMG Girl!!!! I love it and its so true! thanks for bringing this to everyones attention cause they really need to know this. I know how it is being a model and all and its true SAFE SEX IS HOT SEX!!!! =)
Sean - Mike, you're a tool. The message is safe! Obviously you make bareback movies and shame on you! Chi Chi...YOU'RE FIERCE! Keep spreading the word girl; i think it's obvious that more people like Mike need to hear it LOUD AND CLEAR!!!!
Kenneth - Thank you! Fabulous PSA.
Bobby - Chi Chi, THANK YOU so much for making this statement. I had an HIV scare in 2006 and the fear stayed with me for months. I NEVER want to go thru that again...and I don't want others to go thru it, either. Thank you, again!Hugs,Bobby
Robert - Incredible PSA - thank you. As a guy living with HIV I can tell you no fantasy is worth this. Thanks for getting the message out.
Stuart - This is absolutley fantastic, where can i get a copy of it or a downloaded version.
Mike - This is a response to Jon. You should have just walked out dude. The horrifying thing is that not all bareback producers and directors are unscrupulous. They larger bareback companies have been around for 10 years or more and do extensive screening and interviews with their models to make sure that HIV negative men are not having unsafe sex with HIV positive men. In addition, not ALL bareback producers are in it for the money any more than the mainstream producers are.I applaud the message of safe sex that Chi Chi is conveying, but I completely question the motive. I think the bottom line is money on their part. They release pre-condom videos using titles like raw this and raw that and if you question them on it they throw you some line like pre-condom porn has historical significance. The fact is Channel 1, Titan, Lucas are just scared shitless that their profits are down and the bareback studios profits are up. Talk about calling the kettle black.
Jon - Hello, I am hoping Chi Chi reads this because it kinda breaks my heart. I am rather new to the porn business, but I have modelled in a few movies (titan, raging stallion, dark alley, etc). Last week I was involved in a shoot with 7 other guys. As the shoot began, everyone started barebacking. Immediately this was a problem for me as I am negative and wanna stay that way. I confronted the director about it and he sort of just "shrugged it off". He said it was okay if I wore a condom in the shoot. At this point, it was so awkward being the ONLY model in the shoot that wore a condom, it was very difficult to maintain much less have an erection. I'm not sure how the movie will play out. They'll probably delete the scenes with my condom'd wang in it. But to be honest, I DONT CARE. I'd rather be safe. This experience was rather horrifying and since then I'm really debating if I want to continue doing porn. I have had a lot of fun in the past with it and I really enjoy meeting a lot of the people. But carelessness on the part of the directors has really soured my impression of the whole business. It literally breaks my heart. Makes me feel like if I'm not positive and taking steroids like halloween candy I don't fit in anymore. Seriously considering if I really want to do this anymore!
Matthew Rettenmund - Blogged/linked you at I admire your stance and agree with it 100%. I've been arguing this point about the models with friends forever till I'm blue in the face. People have issues about sex so they hate sex workers. Maybe your video will break through to some since it's so plain and simple. Thanks!
Tim - This is amazing...thank you very much. can I get a copy to show repeatedly at our youth center where we have just over 200 GLBT youth ages 14-21 every saturday? PLEASE
Keith Webb - Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!
Michael Youens - Thank you for standing up for what you believe in and sticking to your guns. You are a true inspiration. Your love for your craft and the people that make it happen is awesome. I love you!
Message from Chi Chi LaRue... Recently I have been bombarded with interview requests for me to comment on “barebacking in the porn industry”. It's kinda funny because everyone knows exactly what I am going to say...nonetheless, I decided it was time to make my own statement about what is going on. When I moved to LA in 1987 and took a job in promotions at Catalina Video, the AIDS crises was in full swing. I lobbied hard to William Higgins and John Travis of Catalina and Chuck Holmes at Falcon to get condoms on the models. I would like to think that some of my persuasion helped make condom movies a reality. Since then, gay porn has helped lead the way in showing gay men how to use condoms, how to have safer sex and removed some of the stigma that was associated with condoms at the time. The first feature movie I ever directed, FLEXXX, was in 1987, it was a condom feature and every single movie that I have directed since then has also used condoms. I say this again because just recently I read an interview with a barebacking proponent who said I used to make unsafe sex videos in the early days of my career and was therefore a hypocrite. Not true. Another “hypocritical” tidbit I found amusing was that my company sells pre-condom titles and that basically I am selling bareback product and promoting unsafe sex. I guess the BIGGEST difference is that selling pre-condom titles ISN'T putting the health of models at risk.....HELLO. For those of you that don't know, the term pre-condom refers to porn made prior to the AIDS crises. I guess if that makes me a hypocrite than I am one. I guess I don't equate pre-condom titles as “bareback.” That term didn't exist when these porn classics were created. There was no serious reason for gay men to wear condoms. My critics also accuse me of not giving gay men the credit to distinguish between fantasy and reality. That younger gay guys who didn't have all their friends die, who didn't see deathly ill gay men at the grocery store, and aren't bombarded with AIDS messages on the news daily can watch barebacking porn and it doesn't affect their behavior. Like I said in my PSA I think that is true for some people. I also say if that is your argument then you certainly can't claim that viewers can't realize that pre-condom titles were filmed in another era before HIV. I am certainly NOT saying that barebacking movies are solely responsible for the huge increase in HIV infections. I think a lot of factors are at play. I think drug companies want us to think that HIV is just a simple and manageable condition. They never mention that a 1 year supply of medication starts at $25,000! I think the lack of real sex education, thanks to our current conservative regime, is a factor. Let's not forget the rampant drug abuse in the gay community, which is definitely a factor. I also think gay men are really just tired of talking and hearing about it! But we can't stop talking about it...I think what we are seeing is a result of too many people being way too silent! When I first started seeing barebacking titles appear, of course I was disappointed and very outspoken. The fact is that it was pretty obvious to most that the models “appeared” to be HIV+ and were having unsafe sex with what “appeared” to be other HIV+ models. Again not something I have ever heard was recommended, but in any case, it is something that does seem to be more readily practiced in the gay community. What we are seeing now is drastically different. We are seeing movies with 18 year old twinks being gang banged without condoms. We are seeing...20 year oldS in the UK who haVE reportedly become HIV+ after making their first porn. I have always promoted on my sets the same thing that I feel every gay man should practice in his personal life. ASSUME EVERYONE YOU ARE HAVING SEX WITH IS HIV+. Some companies say that they test their models, which just gives a false sense of security. There is no way to 100%protect the health of models by testing only. What if the test was taken a day before the persons HIV became detectable. What if the model caught HIV a day after he was tested? Unfortunately, this way of thinking is why I had to quit working in the straight industry. I walked away from a lucrative contract with Vivid Video when they decided to go “condom optional” so don't ever say I don't put my money where my mouth is! The fear I have is that when we are silent and choose to ignore issues as serious as this, then perhaps barebacking in porn will just keep increasing like HIV infection rates. Then more and more models will be sucked into putting their health at risk to make porn! I would like to thank those around me that have helped put this PSA together. Thank you Steven Walker for your amazing videography and lighting. Thank you Tashi Palmer for the amazing music you scored for this PSA and your photography. Thank you Rob Novinger for helping get this all pulled together. Thanks to all 3 of you for all your ideas. Thanks to CH for your incredible editing. Thanks to Doug Jeffries and to all the models who participated to create the great images used in this PSA. Thanks to many of you out there that helped gather stats and other information that we all need to talk about! Thanks to all of you for listening to this crazy drag queen's ramblings! Now WRAP IT UP! |