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Candice Littleton - Chi Chi you are so RIGHT ON. Tell it like it is, and may those out there watching this video get it right too by heeding your warning to WRAP IT UP. Safe sex IS hot sex!Much luv and respect sista! @>===
Scott - Chi Chi is right, safe sex is hot! The only concern I have is when you put guys in your movies that also do or have done bareback work. Have you thought about excluding those guys?
Doug Steelman - Hey Chi Chi you rock.Im so glad you have theguts to speak your mind without worrying about the money that might be lost.I just recently came to reality with being gay,and have had men try and talk me into bareback anal sex.They act like AIDS is'nt a reality.I wonder if young men are even aware that it can kill them,So talk sister,speak up and SCREAM! Work it like only YOU can. Huggs and Peace..Doug
M@ty K - OH MY GOD! THANK YOU CHICHI!!! i have felt this way for soooo long! when i see bareback porn it is a major turn off for me! i cant stop thinking about how unsafe it is. i'll talk to ppl about how much they love it but i cant help but htink about how unsafe they are being and i want them to wake up!!! thank you chichi!!!! SO MUCH! M@TY K- 19, COLORADO
Drew - You are an amazing speaker and truly influential. thank you for doing this.
Ty LeBeouf - I take my hat off to you Chi Chi. Well said and couldn�t be said any better. This is a reality of people promoting unsafe sex which is leading to epidemic of disaster. From friends, parents, and your doctor you know better but please educate yourself more on the issue at hand. No to mention there is more to worry about then just HIV alone. There is over 400,000 different types of STD�s. As porn producers and performers we should promote what is healthy. Chi Chi is not only given advice but she is clearing her name from what so many companies have been doing in order to just make a buck. It is said to say if the Bareback porn is on a climb then we as people are in for a long ride. Rap it up, take care of yourself, love yourself, damn it!!! respect yourself!
Aaron Ashford - Hey! What a great message! I'll have to get this subtitled into French/Spanish and German for the guys in Europe!Glad to see the best producer respecting the models! All the best!
Carl Hause - I�m a current student working in the direction of having a career in the adult film industry as a director, and after watching your video on barebacking, I have decided that if I ever make it as a director, I will fallow in your footsteps and never make a video that involves unsafe sex. I want to thank you for informing of the risks that the men in adult movies face, because I had no idea, and I also want to thank you for inspiring me to work towards my goal so that I might one day help make a difference.
Frank Bates - I've always been somewhat anti-bareback in principle....but I still watched and reviewed the films. I am happy now to announce that SmutRaker by Frank Bates in insideOut Nashville will no longer review or promote bareback films. You are right Chi Chi...
Danny Ray - I am a director too and I am very proud I know him personally. I am against the bareback movies too. Pls more men as him. Thank you Chi-Chi
alex - Thank you!!!! thank you!!!! . You go girl! i would never let anyone fuck me without condom , i love me, i love my life. i want to stay neg 4ever. if someone want to fuck me then fuck me with condom ! HIV/ AID is ugly and gross . Peace out! Chi chi
Tim - I think Chi Chi is too preachey. What ever happened to freedom of sexual expression???People shouldn’t be getting their health advice from porn, they should be getting it from their doctor. If a young kid plays a violent video game does that mean he’s more prone to go out and shoot up a mall?Telling someone how we should or shouldn’t have sex is exactly what we are fighting the Christian fundamentalists on.There are many studios that have a policy about not hiring bareback performers but then turn around and sell their “Pre-Condom” videos. What gives???? I think these studios are seeing their bottom line going in the red and are intimidated by all these bareback studios that are blossoming and have to get attention to their products in any way, any shape, any how.
Wendy - My comment is to Bill Simms with his back handed compliment. How about you step up for those issues you are so passionate for. We cant expect Chi Chi to carry the cross for every disease can we? Yes those are all dangerous aspects for sex workers but this PSA was atleast for me the beginning to healthy coversations that go across the board. So I ask those that are ready to jump on how about this and that wagon , stand UP and do something yourself.Wendy Williams *hotwendywilliams.com/blog*
Jamie Hendrix - Larry;Great Job. As a veteran of the Gay XXX business and motion picture industry I commend you on helping drive the point home. Congrats.JH
Jérôme - I was there in Berlin at that dreadful travesty of an awards ceremony when you spoke out and took a stand. And I thanked you for it afterwards. I was sure it was just a beginning, and this PSA with its perfectly clear message is ample evidence of your firm commitment to this. As you know, and mention in your message, things have reached a critical point here in Europe. We are hoping to turn this around this year, particularly in Prague where things have been out of control for three years now. I hope you and other major US studios will respond to PINK TV's sollicitation and send PSA clips for the Sidaction event at the end of March. In any case, I am sure you'll be on board when it comes to fighting the good fight.
Sebastian Rio - Finally some one has spoken about this. I'm very happy that was you Chi Chi I have so much respect for you and now with this message I think that this will Open the eyes of the young and the rest of the world. GREAT JOB!!!!!! Love you.Sebastian Rio
Aaron at QueerClick.com - Chi Chi -- thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Adam Segel - An amazing video and great message - so impressive!
Bill Sims - Well this is great, but AIDS is not the only fatal disease. Hepatitis C is REAL. So how about putting dental dams on for rimming? Also, no more cum in the eyes like in Oral Exams, ok? And let's keep the cum away from the hole, not like in the Back Room where Chi Chi has Chad Hunt cum on the bottoms asshole. Great start, but there's a lot more work to do!
Ryan Foxxx - Glad you put it out there Chi Chi...I know I have worked with Channel 1 and several others...I am neg as of 28 Jan 2008 and have filmed 2 bareback movies with my parters that I have been with for over two years each. I am glad that someone put this out there and I will so be sending you an e-mail today! I love you Chi Chi...Ryan Foxxx
Izora Starr - Ms ChiChi!!! You go girl. Shake up the complacency, explode the stupidity and restore sanity to the industry.Keep up the good work!!Love from the UK xx
BeBe Sweetbriar - Chi Chi, you never cease to tell it like it is! All the respect in the world to ya....I hope the youngsters pay attention!!!!!BeBe
DeWayneinSD - I'll Take YOUR Crazy Drag Queen ramblings anyday! I admire anyone who can look beyond the money and who cares for the guys. This can be a Dehumanizing business you have consistently fought that attitude! Wow 20 years in the biz Chi Chi Congratulations ;-)
Anya - It's become discouraging just how much barebacking porn rents in our store. Thank you for helping spread responcibility!
Pierre Fitch - Thank you! Fabulous.
Steve Shay - Thanks to Chi Chi and her crew for doing this. I completely agree. Here at Citiboyz, we've been making nothing but safe-sex videos for the past 10 years. We believe that our models are our most important asset, and that it makes no sense to put them at risk for a dollar. Kudos to everyone in this business who puts their conscience ahead of their greed! Chi Chi, you rock... and you lead the way. Thanks again.
Danny Cullen - As a UK fetish website producer www.fetishlad.com We have always believed that we have a duty to protect our models there seems to be a growing trend in the UK especially the "Twink market" that its ok to produce bareback porn We second your comments Chi Chi come on lads wrap it up
Daena - Your message has really affected my life. I first saw your Wrap It Up video on A Night At Bruno's, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.However, it did not stop me from barebacking with a man I loved, and who I thought loved me. Luckily, after he left me, I saw your video again online and it helped me realize the reality of what I had almost done to myself. My idiocy did not lead to HIV, I thank the higher power every day for that.I have vowed to never bareback again.Others have not been as lucky. I am so glad that your message is still out there to reach so many people, Chi Chi.You Rock, Daena
Dame Daxx - Bravo, Chi Chi.Your service to gay men is matched only by your service to Mascara and Maybelline.Love you for loving us.xxx Daxx
Chris - Rock On Chi Chi... that was awsome... thank you for everything that you do
Ben L. - Thanks Chi Chi you are a great example for the gay community and I am very proud that you support safe sex. xoxo
Jay @ The Sword - You said it better than anyone could. What is hot about watching a young model possibly getting HiV while shooting a scene? Consumers should all be getting wise to the fact that behind the fantasy is a real person getting exploited by people who should know better.
Ed Woody - Bravo Chi Chi...It's a shame that in 2008 we still have to have these conversations, but its fantastic that such a high profile ( and respected ) industry person is doing this.The only way to fight this is through education, and to convince the guys that spend money on barebacking movies that there are hot, high quality porn flicks available with condoms. This is not going to be an easy battle though, as money talks, and every porn store you go into these days has racks of bareback movies. The most shocking part of this is the boys that are being used in these films are getting younger by the day . Which brings me back to education, and good quality SAFE porn, in other words projects like and amazing films from C1R.We support and applaud you.
Richard - WONDERFUL , EXCELLENT job, hope everyone watches this video and understands it.
Nina St. Marcos - CHI CHI you go girl.... very good video... looking forward to seeing you next monthLatersNina
edward james - CHI CHI IS HOT... Love the clip.. you ROCK !
Dale - Very well done. as always!Luv ya Chi Chi
terry hammond - I think Chi Chi you r doning a wounderful job promoting this video, Im up there is age and yes it definatly needs to put out thier just the way you said it for the youngster's of are future to be safe thanks again for everything you r doing
Eric A. Kane - Beautiful job, Chi Chi. My thanks to you and the boys at C1R. This latest generation of gay men has NO IDEA; hopefully this will help keep them from learning the hard way as we have. Producing bareback porn shits on the memory of every gay man who has died of AIDS. Period.
steve - being a friend of one of your performers, I have to applaud your video, Chi Chi, You are the man!! and your message, I pray will be heard.....thanks for all you do
Angel Benton - I have never in my life been so proud to know somebody. THANK YOU Chi Chi La Rue for everything you have done for the past 20 years to advocate safer sex, in spite of the fact that at times (especially nowadays) it must feel like nobody is listening. DON'T EVER GIVE UP! The world (not just the gay community) needs you.
Wrong - Rory,1. His name is not Brent Vaughn. Its Josh Vaughn2. He is not featured in this PSA.3. He did 2 bareback scenes when he first came into the industry because he did not know better. Lucky for him and other models, Chi Chi is spreading the word that models should not bareback.4th and FINAL. Rory...You're an idiot and just because you can talk doesn't mean you should. Best to keep your mouth shut next time?
Gio - Chi Chi - I stand behind you and this campaign 100%. I am proud to know you and call you my friend and will continue to champion the use of condoms and safe sex practices in the gay porn industry. As a gay man that came out in 1984, I have seen 1st hand the devistation of HIV/AIDS and I even lost my 1st lover in the early 90s. There are too many young gay men entering the adult industry today that were not even born at the height of the crisis and I believe we owe it to those young men to be vigilant in protecting their best interests. It is unfortunate that so many of these young men are being fed lines of BS by money hungry producers of BB porn and those producers certainly do not have the models best interest in mind.You are an inspiration and hopefully this will be the beginning to an end of glorifying unsafe sex in the gay porn industry.
Christian Cruz - This is beautiful!!! i love your message...Daniel
David fagan - A reality check is needed. Thanks for bringing it, Chi Chi. And for those who think nobody gets hurt, London gay mag Boyz reported in Oct 07 that 3 models were infected on a gay porn set (the HIV model learned his status 3 days after the shoot wrapped). Perhaps the REAL ANSWER to the trend, however, is not in ethical or alturistic appals. Perhaps the real answer is to MAKE MODELS STUDIO EMPLOYEES and not independent contractors. Then the studios become LIABLE (at least in the U.S. under workman's compensation) for unsafe conditions and, if that happened, just watch the studio's lawyers rush to the sets with BOXES OF CONDOMS! If economics is what is driving BB studios, let's use economics to move them to WRAP IT UP!
EDwin Seth Brown - Thank you so much for being a loud voice for what is right!
RETRO! - This was astounding to me- I never thought about it!I really wanted to post it on my MySpace for my friends, but it was "disabled by request." Does this not stop your message in it's tracks? I love and respect Chi -Chi
PJ - Fantastic job with the PSA, and many thanks for keeping your standards high when others have sunk to the bottom of the barrel. We love you, Chi Chi.
ALABAMA - Thank you for doing your part to fight the AIDS epidemic, You are a leader and an insperation your voice can make the differance.
Ecstasy - May this message of �Wrap It Up� resound throughout the industry and the gay community. Cheers to you Chi Chi for being the messenger!
Cal Skye - Chi Chi afuckingmazing job... I am going to post your link to your video on my myspace so the word spreads... NO BAREBACK PORN
Randall - The only thing safer than Safe Sex is NO SEX! So as I see it we have only these two choices! Chi Chi Thanks for your stand. I hope more people wake up!randall
Joel - Brava! Bravo!!
Chase Evans - Rory, get your facts straight before you post things for the entire world and Industry to see. For one Riley Burke has never done bareback porn so if you don't know your facts don't post it. That is considered libel, and defamation of character. He is a friend of mine and we have been in the industry for the same amount of time. This kind of thing can damage a models career. To set the record straight, Riley Burke HAS NOT, DOES NOT and WILL NOT do bareback porn nor do I do it in my personal life. I am AGAINST bareback porn. I am currently represented by FABSCOUT Entertainment and we have a policy against shooting for bareback porn. So just to clarify Riley Burke has NEVER done Bareback Porn, and before you SLANDER a persons name think before you post.Have fun and wear your condoms.<3Much Luv Chase Evans
Jase__New Zealand - Well done. We need more outspoken "spokes people" that tell it as it is.
Howard - Rory, Perhaps you should check some facts first regarding mentioning certain models and BB movies..... you specifically list 2. We are all sure at least 1 of them has NEVER done any BB Movies and for you to slander isnt fair. Jealousy is a dangerous animal Rory.
Howard - ChiChi, you heard Gio and I on the phone when this came out. What can we say AMAZING, Thank you for being the "Team Leader" on this.... Lets hope more follow suit. We love you....H and J
WendyWilliams - THis is why I look up to youso much, truly a legend!
Tiffany Padgett - Even thought I am a Lesbian I commend you on your fight of safe sex. We all need to practice safe sex as human. Not just for ourselves but for our families. ONE LOVE CHI CHI
Casey Williams - THANKS for such a great video! I always appreciated working on your sets and loved the fact that I was never put at risk to make a porn video! I'm sure I had sex with HIV guys but due to safe sex I remain HIV NEGATIVE to this day. THANKS
Sister Anni Coque l Doo - You put out a great message and I know Sister Roma and you are friends which is how I found the site. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see more from you on this message. This Sister is all for safe sex.
Dre - THANK YOU! thank you! THANK YOU! thank you! THANK YOU! thank you! THANK YOU! thank you! THANK YOU! I became a statistic at 20
Lee - Bravo!
Shane - I'm a safe-sex advocate as well. That's why I love your movies. I really admire your work and your care and concern for the porn stars that works for you. It's no wonder so many people love you Chi Chi. :) You're effin awesome!
DMC - Thank you for taking a stand on this, Chi Chi. The sudden prevalence of "bareback" videos in the face of rising incidences of new infections isn't just shameful, it's a public health problem. Are the production companies on this page (Channel 1, yours, etc.) companies that are on board? I'm surprised not to see Falcon on the list. I'd love to see you issue a petition and a list of companies that officially commit not to do this anymore.
Kameron Scott - As a model myself...I know. I have done bareback scenes in the past...but never again. I wish more producers would take a stand.
indiablack - Safe sex is hot sex! thanks for great porn, and knowing that we are still in a crisis and need to respect ourselves and protect everyone!
Jonathan Foulk - Thank you! This was kick ass! Your the best on getting this message out! SAFE SEX IS HOT! Oh yes! XOXO
Yasmee O'Day - Thank you!!! It's a fabulous thing you posted!!
BACnSF - Thank you for taking a firm stand. Others only wish they had the balls.
Jay - GREAT PSA!!! Thank you for making it. I hope that you'll make it available for wide distribution at youth centers, video bars etc. This is a very effective and well produced mesage.
Rory - Chi Chi, I think your message would have more of an impact if you didn't feature Bareback models in your PSA. Both Brent Vaughn (Vonn) and Riley Burke have done bareback porn. Thanks for the lead on hot movies!!
Sigster - ..:: standing ovation ::..Thanks Chi Chi!
RockHard - I'm not a fan of your over-produced porn productions but this has to be one of the best PSA's I've ever seen. Thank you for speaking out and doing so in such a powerful way.
David Schmit - Does Chi Chi have a speaking tour, for example, where he addresses those at Pride events on the Wrap It Up campaign?
Harry Bitsch - YOU GO GIRL!You've proved yet again that you are one of a kind. We need more like you.
Jeff - Thank you for daring to put it out there and to show how much you really care about people our community. I needed to hear your message and to see your passion. I'm negative and just starting to date somebody who is positive. I needed to be reminded that I always need to wear a condom and that we can have crazy hot sex even with one on. Thank you, you're an inspiration.
D. J. Perez - Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Chi Chi, for "WRAP IT UP: T he Next Generation". Keep on Going Boldly where other Porn Luminaries fear to tread.My spin? "SAFER SEX IS THE 'NEW BLACK'! 'RAW' is so Y2K, and we're over that. Ohh, didn't you catch this '411'? Where were you?" It's time for more folks to OPEN A MOUTH about "Wrapping It Up!" You do me with a condom, or you don't do me At ALL! I'm Too Sexy to want HIV (bringing some Retro Flava in...)Peace, Pleasure, and The Pursuit of Happiness!D. J. PerezVolunteer Peer Outreacher and Educator, V.I.P. (Virus and Infection Protection) Crew, Fenway Community Health, Boston, MA
Shirley Heezgay! - Fantastic! Thank you for doing this and for maintaining your artistic and moral integrity when it comes to safe sex and HIV prevention. You look FABULOUS, too!One tiny thing...in your PSA there's an image of someone opening a condom in a chlorinated pool. Is that safe for the condom? Just wondering....
chris - thank you! great message. and great video!
Derek da Silva - Brava! I'm so happy you did this video. Our community needs to step back and start making safer sex cool again. When I came out in the late 80's the message was everywhere - now everyone acts like it's passé. I'll be wearing my retro 80's checked hankie as a pocket square at the awards this month - and when they ask what they hell it's about I'll tell them.
Trevor Jaden - OMG Girl!!!! I love it and its so true! thanks for bringing this to everyones attention cause they really need to know this. I know how it is being a model and all and its true SAFE SEX IS HOT SEX!!!! =)
Sean - Mike, you're a tool. The message is simple...be safe! Obviously you make bareback movies and shame on you! Chi Chi...YOU'RE FIERCE! Keep spreading the word girl; i think it's obvious that more people like Mike need to hear it LOUD AND CLEAR!!!!
Kenneth - Thank you! Fabulous PSA.
Bobby - Chi Chi, THANK YOU so much for making this statement. I had an HIV scare in 2006 and the fear stayed with me for months. I NEVER want to go thru that again...and I don't want others to go thru it, either. Thank you, again!Hugs,Bobby
Robert - Incredible PSA - thank you. As a guy living with HIV I can tell you no fantasy is worth this. Thanks for getting the message out.
Stuart - This is absolutley fantastic, where can i get a copy of it or a downloaded version.
Mike - This is a response to Jon. You should have just walked out dude. The horrifying thing is that not all bareback producers and directors are unscrupulous. They larger bareback companies have been around for 10 years or more and do extensive screening and interviews with their models to make sure that HIV negative men are not having unsafe sex with HIV positive men. In addition, not ALL bareback producers are in it for the money any more than the mainstream producers are.I applaud the message of safe sex that Chi Chi is conveying, but I completely question the motive. I think the bottom line is money on their part. They release pre-condom videos using titles like raw this and raw that and if you question them on it they throw you some line like pre-condom porn has historical significance. The fact is Channel 1, Titan, Lucas are just scared shitless that their profits are down and the bareback studios profits are up. Talk about calling the kettle black.
Jon - Hello, I am hoping Chi Chi reads this because it kinda breaks my heart. I am rather new to the porn business, but I have modelled in a few movies (titan, raging stallion, dark alley, etc). Last week I was involved in a shoot with 7 other guys. As the shoot began, everyone started barebacking. Immediately this was a problem for me as I am negative and wanna stay that way. I confronted the director about it and he sort of just "shrugged it off". He said it was okay if I wore a condom in the shoot. At this point, it was so awkward being the ONLY model in the shoot that wore a condom, it was very difficult to maintain much less have an erection. I'm not sure how the movie will play out. They'll probably delete the scenes with my condom'd wang in it. But to be honest, I DONT CARE. I'd rather be safe. This experience was rather horrifying and since then I'm really debating if I want to continue doing porn. I have had a lot of fun in the past with it and I really enjoy meeting a lot of the people. But carelessness on the part of the directors has really soured my impression of the whole business. It literally breaks my heart. Makes me feel like if I'm not positive and taking steroids like halloween candy I don't fit in anymore. Seriously considering if I really want to do this anymore!
Matthew Rettenmund - Blogged/linked you at http://www.boyculture.typepad.com. I admire your stance and agree with it 100%. I've been arguing this point about the models with friends forever till I'm blue in the face. People have issues about sex so they hate sex workers. Maybe your video will break through to some since it's so plain and simple. Thanks!
Tim - This is amazing...thank you very much. can I get a copy to show repeatedly at our youth center where we have just over 200 GLBT youth ages 14-21 every saturday? PLEASE
Keith Webb - Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!
Michael Youens - Thank you for standing up for what you believe in and sticking to your guns. You are a true inspiration. Your love for your craft and the people that make it happen is awesome. I love you!
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